June 16, 2022


AGES Focus Meeting 2022

August 11-12th 2022

Registrations for the Focus Meeting 2022 are now open!

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand, for the AGES 2022 Focus Meeting.  Overseas travel has been a distant memory for many of us, but with the opening of the NZ borders, our Australian members can now travel abroad, spread our wings and be educated.  We are looking forward to reconnecting with our New Zealand colleagues and sharing our combined knowledge.  Pack your passport and your winter woollies!

The theme, ‘Integration through Innovation’, has allowed us to curate a program with wide appeal to our membership; the local organising committee believe there is something for everyone in there. We will take you on a journey through the future of women’s health with a plenary session involving leaders in this field and further cover topics including surgical innovation through technology, midlife management, evidence-based pregnancy care, and the oncology biology.  We will also have a session from the STAG simulation team, where players will pitch against each other to win a coveted title – all to be revealed later…. Our final session will be a series of puzzling cases and tales of the unexpected.

So please join us for this exciting meeting…..

Dr Rachel Green